Video Production • Motion Graphics • 3-D Modeling • Live & Virtual Production • Pro Audio
The Passing of the Gavel Video
This video is a compilation of all the versions of this project from the past four years. Historically this ceremony was part of the main event installation where all Past Presidents in attendance would get up on stage and physically pass the gavel down the line to the incoming President. In 2020 when everything was virtual, I came up with the idea to create a video version and include photos of all the Past Presidents and to include submitted video messages. It was so well received that we have done a video version of this ceremony ever since.
Burmer Wedding Live Stream
Several people were still feeling the effects of the pandemic when this wedding took place. I was asked to help setup a live stream so attendess that couldn’t be there in person could still tune in and watch.
These clips don’t have any audio because they were used as backgrounds during the live stream. Music tracks and audio from microphones on participants in the room were mixed in live.
Spinning Crown & Virtual Stage
3D modeled everything you see here – the crown and the virtual stage and animated the moving lights for beauty pageant themed virtual event.
Flying Pages Intro Animation
3D modeled and aninmated this quick intro clip for the annual forms changes live stream.
Debt-free Building Video
Created this video to send out to members of the Association as an announcement/informational video that the building’s mortgage had been paid off.
License to Sell Promotional Video
Recreated the intro from the famous 007 movies to use as a promotional video for a social media photo contest. I also composed my own version of the 007 theme song for the music track of this video.
More examples available upon request.